“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
— Luke 6:38
As things open up post-covid and restrictions are relaxed we continue to meet on Sunday. Hand sanitzer stations continue to be available in the building, and whilst mask wearing is not mandatory we ask people to continue to wear a mask if you have a cold/cough symptoms if possible and please respect people’s personal choice also.
Service Replay
If you couldn't join us on Sunday for whatever reason or you'd just like to hear back the Sunday message please go to our podcast page & youtube channel.
Tithes & Offerings
Thank you for your support to the work of Christ’s kingdom through Cornerstone Church. If you are a first time visitor please feel under no obligation to give and we do pray you are blessed and please do introduce yourself in the online church portal during the service.
ways you can donate:
During our worship time we pass the offering plate. There is no obligation or pressure to give. We trust Holy Spirit to direct our members in how they support church life financially.
Online via paypal
Via your bank
If you prefer to give directly via your bank you can use our account details:
Bank: AIB, Main Street, Bray
IBAN: IE91AIBK93348157433088
Sort Code: 93-34-81
A/C No: 57433088
Please use your name as a reference so we can identify your donation in confidence.